
How to turn a Dickens manuscript into an immersive experience

How to turn a Dickens manuscript into an immersive experience

How might you bring a ‘difficult’ museum object – say a Victorian manuscript – to life to encourage teenagers to pursue their own creative endeavours?

A few of us at the V&A, together with immersive theatre experts Punchdrunk set out on a mission to create an immersive experience for them about Charles Dickens.

The story of Black Dog Gold Fish and why it's good to share yours

The story of Black Dog Gold Fish and why it's good to share yours

A year ago, Black Dog Gold Fish by my theatre company got funded on Kickstarter. Now we got Arts Council funding to open the show again in London.

It's been even more brilliant to see that we're not alone in bringing depression to public attention. How can we all get involved to remove the stigma around it?

Why artists probably don't give a crap about your brand

Why artists probably don't give a crap about your brand

An incredible young mind made a sold-out show – crowdsourced from over 100 people on the internet – that moved me like an unexpectedly great conversation with a stranger.

This is the story of how me as a marketer realised I’d totally got the wrong end of the stick.